Oregon Secretary Of State Office
We provide information for the Oregon SOS office below. If you need assistance, then use the information listed on this page to contact the Oregon Secretary of State Office. If you are looking to start a business and want to see if the business name is available, then view how to use the Oregon business entity and corporation search page.
Entity Formation Fees For Oregon
Below we list the fees to file articles of organization to form a business entity in Oregon.
LLC | Business Corporation | Nonprofit |
$100 | $100 | $50 |
Oregon State Licensing Agencies
Below is a listing of the state-level licensing agencies within Oregon that a business should check for business license requirements.
Licensing Agency | Contact Information |
Board of Accountancy | Physical address: 3218 Pringle Road, S.E. #110 Salem, OR 97302 Phone: 503-378-4181 Fax: 503-378-3575 Web: Home Name search Forms |
Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying | Physical address: 670 Hawthorne Ave. SE, Suite 220 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503.362.2666 Fax: 503.362.5454 Web: Home Name search Email: osbeels@osbeels.org |
Construction Contractors Board | Mailing address: 201 High St. SE, Ste. 600 P.O. Box 14140 Salem, Oregon 97309 Phone: 503-378-4621 Fax: 503-373-2007 Web: Home Name search Email: ccb.info@state.or.us |
Department of Justice - Charitable Activities Section | Physical address: 100 SW Market Street Portland, Oregon 97201 Mailing address: 100 SW Market Street Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (971) 673-1880 Fax: (971) 673-1882 Web: Home Name search Email: charitable.activities@doj.state.or.us |
Department of Public Safety Standards and Training | Phone: 503-378-2100 Web: Home |
Department of Revenue | Physical address: 955 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301-2555 Phone: 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222 or 800-886-7204 (TTY) Fax: 503-945-8738 Web: Home Email: questions.dor@oregon.gov |
Division of Financial Regulation | Physical address: 350 Winter St. NE, Room 410 Salem, OR 97309 Phone: 503-947-7980 Fax: 503-378-4351 Web: Home Email: cp.ins@oregon.gov |
Public Utility Commission | Physical address: 201 High St SE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301 Mailing address: Public Utility Commission of Oregon, PO Box 1088 Salem, OR 97308 Phone: 503-378-6600 Web: Home Email: puc.commission@state.or.us |
Secretary of State - Corporations Division | Physical address: Public Service Building Suite 151, 255 Capitol St.NE Salem, OR 97310 Phone: 503-986-2200 Web: Home Name search Forms File online Email: corporation.division@state.or.us |
State Board of Architect Examiners | Physical address: 205 Liberty St. NE Suite A Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 763-0662 Fax: (503) 364-0510 Web: Home Forms |
State Board of Pharmacy | Physical address: 800 NE Oregon St., Suite 150 Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0001 Fax: 971-673-0002 Web: Home Name search Forms Email: pharmacy.board@state.or.us |
State Landscape Architect Board | Web: Home |
Workers' Compensation Division | Mailing address: 350 Winter Street NE, P.O. Box 14480 Salem, OR 97309 Phone: 503-947-7585 Web: Home Email: workcomp.questions@oregon.gov |
SOS Office Location
Oregon Secretary of State - Corporations Division
255 Capitol St. NE Suite 151
Salem, OR 97310 -
SOS Office Phone Number
The Oregon SOS office phone number is 503-986-2200.
SOS State Website
To view the Oregon SOS website, please click here.