Georgia SOS Business Entity And Corporation Search
The Corporations Division of the Georgia Secretary of State maintains records of all individuals and business entities registered and licensed in the state. The Division's database contains information regarding the following type of entities and companies:
- Limited Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Corporations
To search the Corporations Division for an entity, you need to have one of the following information with you:
- Business Name
- Control Number
- Officer Name
- Registered Agent
If you want to search by Business Name, Officer Name, or Registered Agent, you can narrow down your search by using radio buttons However, searching by Control Number, Officer is the easiest way to give you results directly.
Georgia Business Entity Search
Below is a step by step process on how to search for a business entity in the state of Georgia.
1. To access the Georgia business search page, click here. (it will look similar to the screenshot below).
2. The next step is to search for a business. Go ahead and select "Business Name" as the search type. Next, in the "Business Name" field type the name "Exide". Above the "Business Name" field, you can toggle between radio buttons to widen or narrow your search. For this example, select the "Starts With" option. One done, click the "Search" button. (You can see this in the screenshot below for reference)
3. Click the "Search" button; the Results Page will then appear with a list of entities containing the given name and their respective details. To access more information on an entity, you can click their name.
4. Here you can then see the details of the corporate record for the Georgia business entity.
The screenshot for the results of the Business Entity Name "Exide" shows as follows: Corporation Name, Business Type, Control Number, Effective Date, Jurisdiction, Principal Office Address, and Registered Agent information.
Information on the Secretary of State of Georgia
The Georgia Secretary of State is one of the highest government offices in state and performs several duties. Apart from being the keeper of the State Seal, the Secretary of State of Georgia is also a custodian of the state flag, signs and symbols. The current Georgia Secretary of State is Brian P. Kemp.
The Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for a wide range of state duties. The Divisions that the Secretary of State of Georgia handles include the following:
- Elections
- Corporations
- Licensing
- Securities
- Charities