Iowa Secretary Of State Office

We provide information for the Iowa SOS office below. If you need assistance, then use the information listed on this page to contact the Iowa Secretary of State Office. If you are looking to start a business and want to see if the business name is available, then view how to use the Iowa business entity and corporation search page.

Entity Formation Fees For Iowa

Below we list the fees to file articles of organization to form a business entity in Iowa.

LLC Business Corporation Nonprofit
$50 $50 $20

Iowa State Licensing Agencies

Below is a listing of the state-level licensing agencies within Iowa that a business should check for business license requirements.

Licensing Agency Contact Information
Alcoholic Beverages Division Physical address:
1918 S.E. Hulsizer Avenue
Ankeny, IA 50021

Phone: 515/281-7400 toll-free 866-469-2223
Fax: 515/281-7385

Web: Home
Attorney General - Consumer Protection Division Physical address:
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: 515-281-5926 or 1-888-777-4590
Fax: 515-281-6771

Web: Home
Board of Pharmacy Physical address:
400 SW 8th St, Suite E
Des Moines, IA 50309-4688

Phone: 515-281-8630
Fax: 515-281-4609

Web: Home Name search Forms
Department of Inspections and Appeals - Social and Charitable Gambling Unit Phone: (515) 281-6848

Web: Home
Department of Public Safety Phone: (515) 725-6230

Web: Home
Department of Revenue Physical address:
Hoover State Office Building, 1305 E. Walnut
Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: 515-281-3114 or 800-367-3388

Web: Home
Division of Labor Physical address:
1000 E. Grand Ave.
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Phone: 515-242-5871
Fax: 515-725-2427

Web: Home Name search
Insurance Division Physical address:
601 Locust St., 4th Floor
Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: (515) 281-5705
Fax: (515) 281-3059

Web: Home
Landscape Architectural Examining Board Web: Home
Professional Licensing Bureau Physical address:
200 East Grand, Ste. 350
Des Moines, IA 50309

Web: Home
Professional Licensing Bureau - Real Estate Commission Web: Home
Professional Licensing Bureau: Accountancy Examining Board Physical address:
200 E. Grand, Ste. 350
Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: 515-725-9024
Fax: 515-725-9032

Web: Home Name search Forms
Professional Licensing Bureau: Architectural Examining Board Physical address:
200 E. Grand Ave, Ste 350
Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: (515) 725-9022
Fax: (515) 725-9032

Web: Home Name search
Professional Licensing Bureau: Engineering & Land Surveying Examining Board Physical address:
200 E Grand Ave, Ste. 350
Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: (515)725-9022
Fax: (515) 725-9032

Web: Home Name search Forms
Secretary of State Physical address:
First Floor, Lucas Building, 321 E. 12th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: 515-281-5204

Web: Home Name search Forms
Workforce Development Physical address:
?1000 E Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: 800-562-4692

Web: Home
  • SOS Office Location

    Iowa Secretary of State
    321 E. 12th St. First Floor
    Des Moines, IA 50319

  • SOS Office Phone Number

    The Iowa SOS office phone number is 515-281-5204 or 888-767-8683.

  • SOS State Website

    To view the Iowa SOS website, please click here.

Map of Iowa Secretary of State