Florida SOS Business Entity And Corporation Search

The Corporations Division of the Secretary of State of Florida keeps a database of the records of Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships. Any type of entity registered in the state will have its information stored in the database.

To access the search tool of the Corporations Division, you need to know at least one of the following:

  • Entity Name
  • Registered Agent Name
  • Trademark Name or trademark owner name
  • Partnership Name

Florida Business Entity Search

Below is a step by step guideline on how to search for a business entity using the Florida Secretary of State search tool.

1. To access the Florida Business search page, click here. (it will look something like the screenshot below).

Florida Business Entity Search

2. On this page, under Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, and Trademarks click the Name link to search for a business by name. On the next page enter the business name "Arrow Air" in the "Entity Name" field as seen on the screenshot below.

Florida Corporate Entity Search

3. Click on the "Search Now" button. The next page will show a list of entities named "Arrow Air" along with their Document Number and Status.

Florida Corporate Entity Search Results

4. When you click on one of the entities, you will get advanced details such as their Filing Information, Address Details, Registered Agent, etc. You can also access the Annual Reports of the entities if you scroll down the page. In this case, the results are for "AIR FLITE OPERATIONS, INC."

Florida Corporate Entity Details

There are also files of the entity that you can download for more information. Apart from giving information regarding the registered entities, the official website of the Secretary of State provides easy filing options to form businesses or file reports (you can download the forms or complete them online).

It should be noted that while most of the services and downloads are free of charge on Florida's SOS website, there are some downloads which have associated fees.

Florida Secretary of State Seal

Information on the Secretary of State of Florida

The Secretary of State of Florida is the keeper of the Great Seal of the state and is responsible for all the prime governmental duties of the state. He is Chief of Elections, Chief Cultural Officer, the State Protocol Officer and the head of the Department of State.

As the head of the Department of State, the Secretary of State of Florida is essentially in charge of the following under the former:

  • Office of the Secretary
  • Division of Administrative Services
  • Division of Corporations
  • Division of Cultural Affairs
  • Division of Elections
  • Division of Historical Resources
  • Library and Information Services