Iowa SOS Business Entity And Corporation Search
The Business Service Division of the Iowa Secretary of State acts as the record center for any business entities registered in the state. The Division stores information of the following entities:
- Corporations
- Limited Liability Companies
- Limited Partnerships
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Companies
Iowa Business Entity Search
The Iowa Secretary of State provides an online tool to search for business entities headquartered in the state. You need to have the following information with you to start your search on entities registered in the state:
- Business Name
- Business Number
Below is a step by step guidelines on how to use the Iowa business search page.
1. The first step is to access the Iowa Business search page by clicking here. (see the screenshot below for reference).
2. The next step is to fill out the business search form by either searching by a business name or by a business number. For this example, we will be searching by business name. Go ahead and type in the name "Bettrlife" in the "Business Name" field. (see the screenshot below for reference).
3. Click on the "Search" button and the Results Page will show. Click the Business Number of the business you want to view the details for. (it will look something like the screenshot below).
The Results Page will give you information regarding Business Number, Status, and Type of the entity you have searched.
4. Once you click the business number to view the details for that business, it will display information including Business Name, Business Number, Current Status, Agents, Filing Date etc.
The Division also allows you to file online reports, as well as download online filing forms to form new entities in the state.
Information on the Iowa Secretary of State
The Iowa Secretary of State is a constitutional office of the state with a term of years. The current office holder is Matt D. Pate. He assumed office in 2015. The Secretary of State is responsible for a majority of state functions and duties. The Secretary of State's responsibilities among the the following four divisions:
- Elections and Voter Registrations
- Business Services
- Administrative Services
- Communication and Publications
Apart from the above, the Secretary of the State is also the custodian of the Great Seal of the State and the keeper of public records and archives.